Marine Solutions

Marine Clean Fuel Solutions

How do you guarantee squeaky-clean fuel for your boat?

An ESI Clean Fuel System™ provides safety and security each time you leave shore by protecting against:

  •  Water
  •  Microbes
  •  Sediment

CFS1000 fuel polishing system for yachts


"Try an ESI Total Fuel Management fuel-polishing system like the one we’re installing on Arawak, our 1996 Grand Banks project boat down in the U.S Virgin islands"
Captain Bill Pike, Power & Motoryacht magazine, Dec. 2014)

"To be more specific, Arawak’s CFS1000FRE fuelpolishing unit will remove…all particulate matter down to an exceptionally fine 2 microns; will separate (versus aboarb) 99.95% of all water,both free and emulsified; and will permanently nix all yeasts, algae, fungi, and other organisms via a De-Bug L-1000 multi-magnetic array."
Captain Bill Pike, Power & Motoryacht magazine, Dec. 2014)

ESI systems can be installed in new vessels or custom designed by one of our engineers to fit an existing engine room design. Do you want a system that is easy to use and that is guaranteed to prevent engine shut-down on your yacht? Tell your builder/dealer to contact an ESI engineer for comprehensive installation guidance regarding our Clean Fuel System™ before it's too late!



ESI is a leader in the fuel polishing industry.NW45

Download articles below for more information.

Fuel System Design and Installation Fleming Yachts

Fuel System Design and Installation - Fleming Yachts

ESI Clean Fuel Systems Dockside Reprint May 2004

ESI Clean Fuel Systems | Dockside Reprint