ESI Total Fuel Management created the diesel fuel polishing industry with innovative technology and services that guarantee fuel quality and reliability. Critical power operations which cannot risk disruption rely on ESI technology to keep running. Quality yacht manufacturers and owners depend on ESI fuel filtration systems to filter fuel from water and contaminants, preventing possible engine failure. ESI doesn’t just clean fuel; they eliminate the risk of generator failure in the diesel fuel system due to fuel-related causes.
What makes ESI a market leader?

ESI brings together 75 years of combined industry experience, patented technology, and customer-driven process improvement and innovation to provide unparalleled fuel performance and reliability to its customers.  Our comprehensive fuel management solutions care for all aspects of fuel supply and management.

People – At ESI, we hire the most talented, credentialed engineers in the industry.  This experience creates a commitment to innovative engineering excellence, product development, and customer satisfaction.  Our years of experience allow us to manage all aspects of fuel management risk, including supply shortfalls and natural disasters.  This enables us to partner with clients to provide innovative problem solving and creative solutions. 

Technology – ESI’s patented Clean Fuel System™ was the first in the market, and continues to be the only solution of its kind.  After four generations of product development based on customer feedback and service and performance data, ESI’s systems continue to lead the market and provide unmatched reliability with a zero-defect track record.


Process – ESI is the only U.S. manufacturer who designs, builds, warranties, maintains and manages their own equipment with certified engineers and industry experts.  While many competitors provide seemingly similar products, ESI is the only fuel polishing manufacturer that cares for all phases of the fuel system; including delivery of fuel.  ESI is constantly updating its technology and processes to reinvent Total Fuel Management and optimize security and reliabilty.